10 Contacts in 10 Days

Connect with the people who matter

User Research revealed that users who would tend to continue to use XING moderately, attained over 10 contacts within the first 10 days of registration. Therefore we set out to increase the percentage of users attaining more than 10 contacts within their first 10 days after registration. 

With the information provided from the first steps of registration (job type, job title, current company, industry, country, location, skills, etc.). I noticed we had enough data to provide exceptional contact recommendations which we weren't currently using. Therefore I designed a new process "10 contacts in 10 days" which would guide users through various steps showing them contacts they knew and would most likely want to connect with. After the first three steps of the process, majority of users exceeded our expectations of 10 contact requests. Plus, from all the contact request and entered data available, we are able to provide terrific contact suggestions thereafter. 

Not only did we achieve our outcome by increasing the percentage of users attaining 10 contacts in 10 days, XING now has the opportunity to fill out a users profile at the same time using the information given from past employment and studies. 

My role in this project: Idea, team management, brainstorming, interaction design, core visual design

Both registration input methods which are used to provide great colleague contact recommendations.

Colleague contact recommendations, prioritized by job type, job title, current company, industry, country, location, skills, connection, etc. These are the first connections majority of users would like to connect with once signing up on XING.

By providing input fields to find "Former colleagues" and "Former student friends" grants users the ability to easily find connections they want to be connected with. While possibly updating the profile simultaneously.

Once at this step, XING will have enough data provided from contact requests, registration data and previous input fields to give users ideal contact recommendations.

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